
Panchakarma is the process in which the Vat pitta kaph doshas in the body are removed for better life. Eventhough if someone follows the good lifestyle, due to stress , changes in food and sleep pattern , work pressure , stress, changes in the weather , doshas get vitiated. In rainy season, vatdosh gets vitiated. In October heat, Pitta gets vitiated. In Spring, Kaphadosh gets vitiated. To Balance all these Doshas Panchakarma is helpful. Along with medicines, Panchakarma procedures enhance the rate of recovery of the patients. Panch means five and karma means the therapies namely Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Nasya, Raktamokshan. Panchakarma procedures like agnikarma provides quick results in reducing the pain immediately. These treatments are immensely used to treat various conditions of the patient.

  • Patient suffering from various skin problems.panchakrma like Vaman and Virechan are most effective treatments.
  • Patients having PCOD, PCOS, infertility, fibroid etc. are well treated with Panchakrma techniques like Nasya, Basti and Uttar Basti.
  • Various gastrointestinal problems like IBS, hyperacidity, ulcers, etc have proven results of being managed by Panchakarma.
  • All types of spondylitis. Rheumatic pain,kneejoint pain ,backaches are well treated with panchakarma treatment called as BASTI CHIKITSA
  • Agni karma is a relief procedure for any kind of muscular pain/spasm.
  • Raktamokshan is used to remove impure blood and vitiated pitta dosha.


The use of medicated oils, either internall or externally, is called snehan (oleation). Snehan refers to the administration of medicated fats or the massage of oil over the skin for a specific period.

How is it done :

Bahya snehan (external oleation) and obhyantra snehan (internal oleation) are the two primary types of snehan. During Abhyankar snehan, the patient is given special herbal preparations to ingest regulary. Medicated oil massages are given to the disease – affected and surrounding areas of the body for bahya snehan.

Benefits :
  • Boosts the digestive agni and improves the quality of digestion .
  • Detoxifies the body from within and prevents chronic disease.
  • Strengthens the immune system and restore well-being.
  • Reduces the sings of aging like wrinkles , loss of skin elasticity and makes the skin seft.
  • Reduces stress occurring form the fast paced lifestyles.
  • Promotes longevity.


Swedan or sudation therapy, involves inducing sweat in the patient. It Channels aam, or pent-up toxins inside the body, to place from where they can be easily ejected by the system during panchakarma.

How is it done :

Medicated steam is directed through a hose or tube (Nadi) to the entire body or to specific areas of the body .

Benefits :
  • Improves metabolism and respiration because it is expectorant.
  • Eliminates toxins and relaxes the musculature.
  • Increases joint mobility.
  • Reduces stress and fatigue.
  • Activates circulation.


vaman is a procedure in which doshas (waste products or toxin) are eliminated through upper channels i.e. mouth. In vaman karma along with massage medicated ghee is administered to do vomiting. Which is used in treatment of chronic allergic rhinitis, cough & asthma like kapha rog , skin disorders.


This is a procedure where in the medicated oil/Kashya fluid which is given through the anal route gets absorbed in the intestine with simultaneous action of the medicines which are there in the oil or decoction given.

How is it done :

The patient is given abhyangam with suitable oil /kashaya and milld sudation is done on the abdomen, thighs and waist region .The patient is made to lie comfortably on left lateral position with his left leg extended or stretched out and right leg folded in front. Anal is well lubricated a very soft simple rubber catheter is inserted in the anus .Oill /kashaya basti fluid is put into the rectum by Syringe or enema pot.

Benefits :
  • Helps in diseases of overall body.
  • Reduces the vitated vata dosha.
  • It helps to cleans the doshas, and pacify the doshas.
  • Helps in nourishing the body internally.


This is the perfect treatment of sinus, congestion in nose, epilepsy, for hormonal imbalance. Medicated drops, dry powder or herbs are put into the both nostrils followed by forehead & sinus massage and medicated steam to this areas.

Uttar Basti

Uttar Basti is one among, panchakarma treatments. Here, medicines Liquid like medicated oils, ghee are administered through urethral or vaginal routes. Thus, Uttar Basti targets toward diseases of urinary and genital system.

How is it done :

Patient is thoroughly examined by the doctor so that the dose of medicated liquid should be lukewarm. The Patient is laid in a supine position with legs Flexed . The pelvis, hips, groins of the patient are massage with oil. following this hot fomentation is applied. Then the medicated liquid is gently made to enter the desired area.

Benefits :

It cleanses the urinary system and genital organs. It improves the circulation, opens the channels of the system and removes all the toxicity. It restores the normal functioning of the urinary system and genital region. Diseases related to menstruation. infertility, Endomdriosis, Endometrial polyps.

Pinda Sweda

Pinda Swda is one of the most important sudation therapies used In panchakarma. During the treatment various part of the patient’s body are uniformly massaged with a linen bundle containing medicinal.

Herbs dipped in a specialized medicated oil or medicated decoction.

How is it done :

linen bundle with medicated herbs is placed on the joints, muscles and tendons to reduce pain. Inflammation and other conditions. In this procedure, the medicaments, generally hot or boiled to tolerable temperature are tied in a linen so as to make a bolus. The bolus is gently rubbed over the painful area. Heat is provide until sweating occurs.

Benefits :
  • pain resulted from injuries.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Relieves joint pain .
  • Enhances the flexibility of the joints , heals and rejuvenates them from within.
  • Manages pain and inflammation.

Viddha Karma

It is a sterile procedure which includes piercing the vital points on the body with special hollow needles considering the anatomy of those points. To free avarodhit vata and rakta thus help in reducing the pain.

How is it done :

The site of viddhakarma is cleaned with spirit and suchivedhana (insertion of needle) is done preferably the help of insulin needle number 26, on the painful joints. Dry cotton swab is kept at site if any drop of blood appears.

Benefits :
  • Instant pain management for-
  • Knee pain
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Gout
  • Shoulder pain
  • Backache
  • Lumbar pain
  • Ankle pain

Valuka Pottali Sweda

In this procedure, medicated sand is used to give sudation. The sand is heated and wrapped in a piece of cloth. it is placed on affected part or moved into circular movements on the body.

How is it done :

clean sand is taken. It should be washed and dried a vessel preferably of iron is placed on a stove and sand is heated. Patollis are made using this sand and are gently applied over the body. Pottalisare reheated using sand bath.

Benefits :
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Stiffness of the thighs.
  • Obesity.


Dhoopan is a method by which drugs of herbal, herbo- mineral or animal origin are used for fumigation, to disinfect medicine manufacturing units, panchakarma rooms; and also to sterilize Asavas and Aristas .

How is it done :

Herbs selected for dhoopan are ignited and subjected to fumigation.

Benefits :
  • Purifies and sterilises therapeutic rooms , puerpera and neonatal rooms.
  • Used as a means of drug administration in disease conditions like wounds, fever , poisoning ,ENT disease , gynecological and psychological disorders.
  • Non healing wounds .
  • Piles.
  • Post delivery care .
  • Otitis media .


The procedure in which the wound is applied with a lepa (paste of medicinal plants) or in fractures without applying a lepa bandaging they would (affected part) is called as bandha vidhi

How is it done :

Bandha is applied on the affected part from down upward or in a direction contrary to that of the local hair i.e. pratiloma direction.

Benefits :
  • The medicine of a lepa is held in one place.
  • Prevents excessive mobilization at the site of wound.
  • Stops bleeding.
  • Prevents wound from trauma and external organism’s which could affect the wound.


Pizhichil is a traditional Aurvedic treatment involving soft massage of the whole body in streams of lukewarm medicated oil.

How is it done :

The procedure of pizhichil starts by pouring oil all over your head and body in a steady and constant stream. The oil used is drained into collector which can be re- warmed and applied on the same person.

Benefits :
  • Relieves fatigue .
  • Rejuvenates the skin .
  • Eliminates stress disorders .
  • Manages stress disorders .
  • Reduces body pain.