
Today’s lifestyle has brought a tremendous change in daily life of all the individuals impacting food habits, sleep pattern, work pattern and due to this, various health diseases occurs in very early age. One of the most common lifestyle disorder is ‘Diabetes’. Previously this health issue would generally be seen in age group of 50-70 years, But from past few years the age group has been reduced to 30-40 years.

Although the diabetes is a silent disease, it slowly affects the vital organs and landing up the patient into critical situations.

Symptoms like lethargy, tar on teeth, fizziness in hairs, Insomnia, polyuria, polypepsia and polyphagia are seen as early symptoms of Diabetics.

Ayurvedic medicines are given to correct ‘Medodushti’ & for ‘kleda Nirharan’ so as to maintain health of saptadhatu.

Lifestyle management, yoga pranayama and proper diet is advised to maintain the health. Specific medicines are important in view of tissue health.

Due to diabetes some patient land up in complications like

Diabetic nephropathy –

Diabetes affects the function of kidneys.

Symptoms – oedema on feet , short of breath ,are some symptoms .

In this situation Ayurvedic Medicines helps to maintain the health of vital organs. To control the rising serum creatinine along with medicines, Panchakarma like Basti and shirodhara are done.

Non Healing wounds-

In diabetes,patient generally shoew delayed wound healing .

In some patients wounds do not get healed up properly .

Panchakarma like vran Basti, Jalukaavacharan in non healing wound helps a lot. Jalaukavacharan helps to let out the dushta rakta thus enhances the speed of wound healing.

Diabetic retinopathy/effect of diabeteson eyes –

Diabetes have impact on eyes. Sometimes there is early changes of cataract in eyes,even retina is also affected by Diabetes.

To maintain the health of eyes, oral medicines are given.Some external applications like anjan,snehan, padalepa play an important role .

In diabetes panchakarma like Netratarpan, padabhyang, jaluka helps a lot. The whole treatment aims not only to control the blood sugar but also to maintain the health of saptadhatu.
